High pitched rotational sound - HELP!

All Peugeot 3008 related discussions
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Joined: Mon Feb 03, 2025 10:39 am

Post by HODGY_3008 »

Hi - can anyone help please - I've had my car in the local garage twice for this and they can't find the cause of my high pitched intermittent rotational sound...(Peugeot 3008, 1.2 petrol, manual, 17 plate)

The annoying thing is when I start driving my car from cold - the noise isn't there - takes around 10 mins of driving to become apparent - so when garage took it for drive - they couldn't replicate the noise... but I've had the noise for a few weeks now...

My first guess was brakes - but they have 50% left...
Backing plate was moved a touch by garage - no solution
The noise is more apparent when going slow (10-20 mph) - and especially when doing a very slight right turn of wheel - or turning corners going right when slow - which happens every morning when I park up at work!
It's also more apparent when going downhill- recently went through tyne tunnel - downhill and it sounded really bad (echo I guess!)

Leads me to think possibly something suspension related??? But I'm no mechanic..

Garage said there is very minor play on the right front drop link - but this wouldn't cause the noise?

I'm reluctant to take it back there as they probs think I'm one of those problem customers haha - but the noise needs sorting

Any help much appreciated - to take it into another garage and tell them to look at specific things so I sound like I know what I'm talking about

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Post by telmel »

Coincidently i have just developed a noise from the wheels or brakes of my peugeot 308 2011 , at least i think it is in that area
It sounds like something is sticking or binding but is not there all the time and is intermittent
When i turn the wheels left it sounds slightly worse , again it is intermittent
I had nothing in the summer , now it is winter in spain it is a bit colder but not freezing as in the UK , but a bit damp at night
Also i haven't used it much , so been covered and left standing on the drive under the carport
So i think something like the brakes or caliper is sticking sometimes
If it persists i will get my mobile mechanic to look at it
I had a similar problem with my last var, a kia carens and he loosened off the caliper and sprayed it, problem solved
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Feb 03, 2025 10:39 am

Post by HODGY_3008 »

I noticed my sound start when it was really cold in UK in early January - when a lot of grit was being put on the roads... Not sure if the salt has got into somewhere?? However I'm thinking as it takes 10 mins or so of driving - that means it occurs when a part warms up / expands a bit??
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